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Her name was Phoebe Moses and she was born in Darke County, Ohio in 1860 and she could shoot the head off a running quail when she was twelve years old.
Once, at the invitation of Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany, she knocked the ashes off a cigaret he was holding in his mouth.
When she out-shot the great exhibition marksman, Frank Butler, he fell in love with her and they were ideally happy the rest of their long lives.
She could handle a rifle or a six-gun with an artistry unsurpassed by that of any human being before her time or, probably, since. And when she appeared with Sitting Bull and other notables in Colonel Cody's Wild West Show, she thrilled your father and mother -- not as Phoebe Anne Oakley Moses but as "Little Sure Shot," the immortal Annie Oakley.
Annie Oakley, the poor back-country orphan girl who made her way to world-wide fame, was the very spirit of personal independence. That spirit is just as much alive in our generation as it was in hers.